Dear Angelica,
I wanted to thank you for the gift of
your MESSAGES FROM YOUR ANIMAL COMPANION cards at INATS. I enjoyed them and found it to be a wonderful and creative idea for
people to get more in touch with their furry and feathered companions. It is both practical and spiritual, and I am sure it
will be very helpful to strengthening the relationship of owners with their pets.
Thank you so much again. Blessings, Ted
Andrews Author of Animal-Speak, Animal-Wise and more "I did two sample readings this evening on my dog Dante,
a 7 year old Anatolian shepherd. The first question I asked/thought to Dante was whether or not he was happy and content.
The response card I drew from the deck said that Dante felt safe with me, and that I should feel safe with him because he
will protect me. Thats very interesting because Dante is a breed specifically designed to protect, but not to fight,
and he will guard our bodies in certain situations.
I then did another shuffle of the desk to clear out the first
question, and as I shuffled I asked Dante another question: Was he feeling well? Id noticed hes been licking
one leg a bit recently, not really a concern because he tends to have skin allergies and the leg looks perfectly fine. He
also gets a little stressed, and weve got an unusually high number of cats in the house right now and that can get him
overly-excited. The card I pulled for an answer featured a horse saying, I have an ailment, injury, pain, or wound.
Interesting. Of course you should never use any sort of toy to make medical decisions about your pets, and I
would certainly take Dante to a vet if his random licking started to be damaging. In light of the card, however, it might
be the extra push to get Dante to the vet this week instead of next week. I dont think theres anything hugely
wrong, but Id rather be an overly-protective parent than to let this go too long."
Leigh-Ann, Director, Wee
Paws Animal Sanctuary Las Vegas, Nevada
"Angelica del Mar has developed a wonderful tool to facilitate communcation between animals and humans.
I've verified her deck with my own animal companions as well as used them with clients. I have found them to be very accurate."
Wolfe, Animal Communicator & Aromatherapist
"I had the pleasure of discovering your cards and meeting
you at SuperZoo in Las Vegas last month. (I also manage a pet supply shop) I purchased a couple sets of your cards for the
shop and gave one to a friend, who loves them. When I returned from Las Vegas I had to have my 16 1/2 year old
dog euthanized. He had bone cancer and I was no longer able to control his pain. I used your cards to ask him if it was time
for him to leave us...the answer was yes. I have also used the cards since to ask him if he is in a better place.
I cannot relate to you in words how comforting the cards have been for me. This past week, the friend I gave
the cards to, lost her cat unexpectedly to congestive heart failure...I know she will find comfort in the cards." DeAnna
Haase, Portland, Oregon
"These cards were sent for me to review, and I have to confess, I thought 'Ho Hum, one
more deck of cards...' I opened the deck and the fun started, these cards are very sturdy and laminated, the cover illustration
is nice, and the individual cards are illustrated nicely, with the 'meaning' of the card printed on each one, simplifying
the process of learning to use them immensely. I'm not a tarot reader, don't use cards for readings, etc., and the next thing
I did was take them to a skilled tarot reader for HER assessment of them. We both had a LOT of fun with these cards, and
I anticipate enjoying them for years to come. If you have pets of any kind, have any curiosity about what they are thinking
and feeling, you will find these cards an excellent tool to enhance your relationship." Gia Scott Host, Dawn of Shades,
Internet Radio Program
Hi Angelica, I got a deck from Rene' at Happy Tails. I must tell you that the readings I did with them
were uncanny. I had two people actually tear up because what the cards indicated to me were so true to the situations they
were going through with their pets. It was quite moving. Funnily, the bad smell card came up twice with two different people.
The first person couldn't figure out what that might indicate or so she said, but the second person looked blank for a second
and then said, "Oh my goodness, yes, we have a mouse in our house and the smell is driving us all crazy." So from the very
heartfelt readings to the rather mundane everyone seemed to get something out of them. I had decided to breed my bullmastiff
girl one more time and I did a reading on her. The cards that came up were tummy ache and yes. Pretty amazing!!! Thanks
for giving us this lovely set of communication tools. I will enjoy using them for my various rescue functions and my own
personal use. I am looking forward to my next reading session. Your cards made it fun and totally stress-free. Sincerely, Carol TwyceLuvd
Bullmastiffs and Pugs Portland, OR
I am writing to share with you a deep sadness I am experiencing
right now and to let you and others know what a comfort your cards have been to me as a farm animal rescuer.
was a 3-year-old Holstein cow who I became very attached to and concerned about at the farm in my area that became the catalyst
for my rescue work. She died following complications from a persistent mammary gland infection all too common among dairy
cows. Reta was a gentle soul who I visited often. When she first arrived at the farm, she was often excluded by the other
cows from their established group. As the other cows knew me, I thought that by my talking to Reta and demonstrating to them
acceptance of her, they would soon do the same.
Reta came to the farm in 2006, purchased from another farm. She
gave birth to two calves, Boo and Luna. Reta was used for public milking demonstrations at the farm. When Reta suddenly passed
on, I communicated with her with Angelica's cards. I wanted to know how she felt about leaving here, and I got the "It's Time"
card, which says that it's time to move on to heaven, and that she appreciated our time together and we'll always be together
in spirit. I also asked her what I can do for her now. I got the "Celebration" card. While it doesn't excuse the
many questions about her situation, she wants a focus to be on celebrating her life, and while she is going to miss her kids,
she is now free from her life that was one of forced servitude.
I'm going to miss her, but she's free now. I know
she wants the others to be protected, especially her own kids, Boo and Luna, who may be the next up for breeding. I also communicated
today with Reta about her daughters, Boo and Luna. I got the Special Touch and Water cards. I know that Reta wants me to pet
Boo and Luna like I did her, and I think that the water card has to do with Boo and Luna no longer getting their mother's
milk, and perhaps not drinking enough water from the trough.
I don't think that the situation had to turn out like
this. She was only 3 years old, and she was being milked consistently from the time she gave birth to Boo, who she had when
she was only a year old herself. Now she had Luna, too, just over a year after having Boo. I think the mastitis infection
becoming so out of control might have been avoided if she hadn't been used for milking demonstrations, also. Her gentle nature
made her easy to work with, and such a nature often works against farm animals when they're wanted for situations where they're
going to be handled frequently. On the other hand, when they're not easy to work with, they're often then targeted to be sold
for slaughter. Either way, they often get taken advantage of.
As farm animals are often used in this country as commodities
in ways that domestic animals aren't, there are far more different and difficult aspects involved in their protection and
rescue. There is far less recognition of them as living beings with feelings, and far less respect for their lives. Beyond
that of domestic animals, farm animals are often only deemed valuable based on what their contributions are to human desires.
Angelica's communication cards serve me well as an ongoing way of enhancing my own intuition when it comes to animals who
I have the responsibility and privilege of caring for, and those animals in the care of others who I have also taken on the
responsibility and privilege of protecting. As rescue and continuing care often involves animals in a distant location, the
cards provide an ongoing source of information and comfort for me and for the animals that are my mission to protect.
Rubenstein, Wagner Farm Rescue Fund
Dear Angelica,
I became particularly concerned about
my cat Sealy who left home two weeks ago when I heard that another friend's cat had died. This was a real wake up call
for me. I really needed to know that Sealy was OK. I needed to know what happened to him and why he left. Then, I talked to
you Saturday and you suggested I do a reading with your deck.
I didn't feel ready to do a reading until two days later.
I believe I had a lot of information and emotions to process before I was ready for a message. I believe Spirit didn't direct
me to your cards until last night.
I tell you, they made me feel so much better about my missing cat, Sealy. I followed
the directions on the instructions card and it gave me the information I needed just as you said it would.
The card
that came up was the "Its Time" card. It's time to leave and maybe, to Heaven, and perhaps we will see each other again somewhere.
It is so right in my heart. And I thank him for the time he was with me, especially in the early years of aloneness.
bless you for your cards, Valerie Rogers Intuitive Artist and Teacher
A priestess friend of mine bought
the cards, She thought at first they were cheesy so she put them aside. Then her dog got sick - pancreatitis and a month's
worth of medical attention brought a month's worth of misdiagnoses and treatments. He was home one night and crashed in pain.
She broke out the cards and asked them what was going on and he told her that he had to go back to the doctor. The day before
Samhain dinner he returned to the doctor and had a good prognosis. He was supposed to come home Monday morning at 11 am.
picked another card and she picked the one that said it was time to go. At that time we weren't all together worried and
she chalked it up to cheesy cards again.
That Monday morning she received the phone call from the doctor's that it
was time to euthanize him. They couldn't make him comfortable anymore and they couldn't fix his bowel with the tumor in the
way. He was 13 years old and was too old for surgery. I think she will be keeping the cards after all. Originally
she was going to give them away as a gift, But I do believe she's changed her mind. See.. you can teach an old dog new
tricks. Angela Blackley Herbal Magick inc Lockport,NY
"Angelica, you are an Angel! Thank you so very much for all the Animal Communication Readings you so graciously
did for us at The Lunar Coven, you were "spot on" and we are all so inspired by your creativity in creating an Oracle
deck like this one! You go gurl! Love and Bless Bless,"
Jacquie DuBois
work, Angelica! My cat was in need of getting his nails clipped and extra hands on loving last night, and those were the cards
for him. He and I work together communicating all the time. His name is Willie. He also helps me do communication (& Reiki
healing efforts) with other animals in need. He is my beloved assistant. My fish gave me information that I need to consider
for them too. What fun."
Ginny Jenkins Reiki Master/Teacher Specializing in healing animals of all
kinds from calves to Cockatoos Downingtown, PA
Greetings Angelica,
I just wanted
to take a minute to send in a testimonial about the deck. I am a Transpersonal Hypnotherapist and Licensed Minister from
Virginia, with an extensive background in animal care and communication. I purchased the deck at Delphi University in Georgia
while attending a class in channeling for humans. A fellow classmate, knowing where my true gifts lie, pointed out the deck
to me in the gift shop. Now, I must preface this with the fact that every time I try to hone my intuitive skills for the
human population, The Universe always throws me a reminder on whom I really need to focus.
From the first time
I used this deck, my accuracy on distance readings has been flawless - so much so that I have decided to expand my animal
communication offerings to include Distance Sessions, not just in-home!
The deck has been priceless to me. Thank you so much! Blessed Be, Melissa Kepley, D.Div., C.Ht. Transpersonal Hypnotherapist Transformations
Hypnosis and Healing Center
I just recently had an amazing experience with them (I bought
a deck from Ethical Planet). I was very upset about my cat- he had an infection due to some teeth problems and we had to do
some blood work. We were worried that the problems were more severe and it was a long day waiting on the test results. The
night before the results were due, he snuggled up by me and the cards were sitting right by us (I was going to use them earlier,
but hadnt). I was upset and my boyfriend suggested we let him pick a card. I kid you not, the card that came up told
us that something was wrong with his mouth
and as it turned out, that was all that was wrong..hes as healthy as
a cat half his age (now with a few less teeth Im afraid. :) But I have to tell you, that was an amazing experience and
I think it put us all at ease. So thanks for that- we all appreciated it!! :)
Melissa Patricelli Heartland Animal
Shelter Volunteer
I was at the Edge Life Expo in Minneapolis last weekend and fell in love with your Animal Companion
cards displayed there! All I can say is, "Wow."
Funny story. One of the booth owners displaying your "Messages From
Your Animal Companion" Oracle Deck has two kittens back in California. They've been dragging her clothes around the house
while she's been gone. When she did a fast reading, she drew the "forgotten" card meaning the kittens were feeling... well...
Me? I have two dogs. When I drew Rudie's card (my little puppy) I got the "I need to be groomed" card. "How
silly," I thought, "She's a short hair. Never needs a bath. Guess the reading didn't work for me." Yeah. Right. I got home
and she'd gotten into something really stinky...needed a bath.
How cool, eh?
I just wanted you to know how much
I'm enjoying the cards. You did a fabulous job.
Best, Beth (from Minnesota)
I just used Angelica's cards for my neighbor
... over the phone. He was riding with a friend and her horse this morning, and his horse suddenly decided it was time to
stop, turn around, and go home. He was wondering why his horse did that. As he was telling me this by phone after he got home,
he said he could see his horse from the window. So I said, "Ask him why, and I'll use my card deck..." and he did. The 'unbalanced
workload' card came up. The horse is older, a 'rescue', and only recently has begun not being very happy about being ridden.
So now my neighbor is "going to think on that". And because he is very caring, I know he will do something helpful and appropriate
for his horse. Thank you for these cards, Randi Peters Leesport, PA
Dear Angelica,
Your cards really work! I used them a
second time to check on my kitties, and again it said that Orca was sick. Next thing I knew, he was diagnosed with bladder
crystals, not uncommon in male cats. He has been in the kitty hospital for a couple days now, and he's pretty bad off. He
would have died if we didn't get him there when we did. He's going to be fine, and your cards let us know there was an urgent
matter. Your cards are a blessing! I hope everyone in the world has an opportunity to use them.
Christine Breese, Founder,
University of Metaphysical Sciences

Staff "Stuff We Love" "Pick of the Litter" Featured
Item Winter 2007/2008